Little Prophets

Welcome to Little Prophets!  We would like to share with you some great tools for helping our younger Catholics take a closer look at the Sunday readings. Please visit the Children’s page at many more videos, activities, sermons and more for children of all ages.

The Vine and the Branches! Easter 5B (Catholic Kids Media)


 In today’s gospel Jesus uses the image of a vine and branches to show that he is joined with his followers and he helps them to grow. A vine helps the branches stay alive and grow. Jesus is the true vine and God is the vine grower. We are the branches. Together with Jesus we bear fruit by sharing our gifts with others. Apart from Jesus we can not grow and bear fruit.

  The vine and branches in this gospel represent Jesus’ relationship with the Church. Jesus is the head of the Body of Christ—the Church. As members of the Church we give glory to God when we love and care for one another.

Let us pray.
Dear God,
As members of the Body of Christ, the Church, we care for one another.
Help us work together to bring your love to others.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

  • What does Jesus tell the people about the true vine?
  • Who is the vine grower?
  • How are Jesus’ followers like the branches?
  • Who will grow and bear much fruit?

Message found at


Where do you see images of vine and/or branches around your church?


The lifespan of vines can vary, but some types can survive for over a hundred years. 

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St. Peter Chanel 
(Feast Day April 28) 

St. Peter Chanel was born in the diocese of Belley, France. After his ordination to the priesthood, he found himself in a rundown country parish and completely revitalized it in 3 years. However, his heart was set on missionary work, so in 1831, he joined the newly formed Society of Mary (Marists) which concentrated on missionary work at home and abroad. In 1836, St. Peter was appointed Superior of a little band of missionaries sent to proclaim the Faith to inhabitants in Western Oceania. After an arduous ten-month journey, St. Peter went to the Island of Futuna (northeast of Fiji) accompanied by a lay brother and an English layman. At first, they were well received by the pagans and their king. However, the king’s jealousy and fear were aroused when the missionaries learned the language and gained the people’s confidence; he realized the adoption of the Christian Faith would lead to the abolition of some of the prerogatives he enjoyed as both high priest and sovereign. When the king’s son asked to be baptized, persecution by the king reached a climax. Fr. Chanel was clubbed to death. Within two years after his death, the whole island became Catholic and has remained so. He was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1954. Peter Chanel is the first martyr of Oceania and its patron. 


Family Nature Walk

Encounter God in nature by going for a walk today and looking for different types of vines and branches. Notice the similarities and the differences. How many types can you find? Discuss how they connect to the Gospel today. Consider collecting items to make a nature collage once you get home.

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Catholic Kids Media is an effort to evangelize the culture, providing quality Catholic programming for kids that does not water down Catholicism. They develop resources for parents and teachers to instruct children in the Faith and practices of prayer.  You can visit their YouTube Channel here.

52 Sundays contains unique content for each Sunday of the calendar year.  To help all families reclaim the Lord’s Day and grow in the habits of discipleship, the Archdiocese of Detroit created 52 Sundays, a weekly resource that provides a structure for living Sunday in a distinctly Catholic way.  You can visit that website here.

The Kids’ Bulletins are a resource for Catholic kids who would like to have some fun while learning about the readings from the Sunday Mass every week. (Ordinary Form)  They are made by a mom in Canada who is happy to share them with anyone who can use them to help learn or teach about the truth and beauty of the Faith.  You can visit her website here.

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