Kids for Christ Core Team

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Kids for Christ Events

June 14 | 7:30-9:30 pm

July 11 | 7:30-9:30 pm

August 8 | 7:30-9:30 pm

September 16-Retreat

October 21 | TBD

November 12-AWAY

January 20 | TBD

February 24 | TBD

March Stations of the Cross

April 21 (Lock-in) | TBD

June | TBD

core team / kids for christ
6th – 8th Grade
youth ministry

Phyllis Wilemaitis

Middle School Youth Ministry

REGISTRATION: For the 2024-2025 school year, the medical release form for Discipleship Formation covers Kids for Christ and Core team events.

If you are an Incarnation student and would like to partake in Kids for Christ events and/or be on the Core team, please register for Discipleship Formation as an Incarnation school participant.

If you are bringing a friend to an event, please have their parent complete a Guest Medical Release form.

Click HERE to RSVP!

KIDS FOR CHRIST: This is the social component of Junior High Youth Ministry and meets July through June. These events provide an opportunity for all grades from all schools to mix and develop friendships that carry over into high school. Each themed event is unique and is designed and hosted by the Core Team.

CORE TEAM: The Jr. High Core Team consists of students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade committed to the responsible leadership of the social component of the Middle School and Jr. High Ministry.

The team meets year round to collaborate, design, plan, compromise, implement, and evaluate every Kids for Christ event, including summer events. Dedicated adult team leaders assist at all meetings and events. The meetings are in a non-threatening environment where everyone’s voice is heard and considered. Each member has one vote. There are no officers.

Membership is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and the schools recognize the work of the Core Team as service hours. The Core Team, along with other students assist in many areas of parish service; the annual Soup and Bread Supper followed by student led Stations of the Cross. Vacation Bible Camp, parish picnics, and special events such as providing glow-games for the Boy Scouts’ Pumpkin Glow.