Gifted & Called Ministry


The Gifted and Called ministry helps parishioners discover their God-given Spiritual gifts and Charisms.  In addition, this ministry assists parishioners to appreciate their gifts and the needs of the parish, and to motivate each of us to use these gifts in love and service to others.

Activities & Events:

Discovering these gifts and Charisms takes time.  The process below has been used by many in their faith journey to better understand God’s unique call on their life.  It requires:

  • Praying for guidance
  • Reflecting on God’s Call
  • Identifying gifts for Ministry
  • Attending a Gifted and Called session
  • Educating ourselves about the need in the Church
  • Going forth to Serve

Time Commitment:

A 100 question assessment is on the St. Francis of Assisi website, listed under Ministries.  Scroll to the bottom and click where it says to access the Spiritual Gifts inventory.  To receive the results, the facilitator of this ministry will contact you.

You will be asked to meet with the facilitator and/or attend a Gifted and Called Discernment session.  

Helpful Attributes:

Every baptized Christian has a role in the Church.  We are all called to transform the Church by serving and offering our talents and gifts.  When you discover your unique talents and the gifts that God has given to you, then you can begin to discover how God is calling you to help build up the Church.

Who Should Participate:  
Must be 18 years or older

  • Anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God
  • Anyone who wants to discover the purpose God has for their life
  • New members seeking to share their gifts and talents
  • Anyone looking for an opportunity to make a difference
  • Anyone who wants to discern the gifts that have been given to them


Bette Davis; 937-433-6971

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the world’s deep hunger meet.

Fredrick Buecher