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Our Lady of Light Family of Parishes,
St. Francis of Assisi Campus

We are excited to announce, beginning July 15, visitors to this website will be redirected to the NEW Our Lady of Light Family of Parishes website!
The new website was launched July 1, 2024.

Permission to podcast/stream music obtained from One License #718113-A, and CCLI licenses #21633079 and #21633062

Click Here for Live-streaming

Permission to podcast/stream music obtained from One License #718113-A, and CCLI licenses #21633079 and #21633062

A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

Most Merciful and Triune God,
We come to You in our weakness.
We come to You in our fear.
We come to You with trust.
For You alone are our hope.
We place before You the disease present in our world.
We turn to You in our time of need.
Bring wisdom to doctors.
Give understanding to scientists.
Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity.
Bring healing to those who are ill.
Protect those who are most at risk.
Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one.
Welcome those who have died into Your Eternal Home.
Stabilize our communities.
Unite us in our compassion.
Remove all fear from our hearts.
Fill us with confidence in Your care.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.

Beacons of Light Prayer

Heavenly Father,
From the moment you gave birth to our Church,
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
You have called on your people to be beacons of light to a darkened world.
We ask that you open & calm our minds,
that we may allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we embark upon the process of forming Your Church for ages to come.
May we open the doors of our hearts and embrace new ways of being Church, so we can continue to be beacons of light for all your people.
We make this prayer through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, and in the name of Your Son, Jesus, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever.

Prayer of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,
I believe that You are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Masses can be viewed
anytime after scheduled broadcast

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in the Reconciliation Room in the Gathering Space. Check the parish calendar for the exceptions to the following schedule:

Confession Schedule:

+Tuesdays: 12:00pm – 1:00pm @ Incarnation Campus
+Wednesdays*: 12:30pm -1:30pm @ St. Francis of Assisi Campus
+Saturdays: 9:00am – 10:00am @ Incarnation Campus
& 3:15pm – 4:15pm @ St. Francis Campus


Be entertained, inspired, and learn more about your faith!
To sign up for free simply click on the FORMED image, enter the zip code 45459, and select
“Our Lady of Light.”


Our Mission

We are a Franciscan-formed family drawn together by Christ to worship and grow, sent forth by Him in joy to serve, inspire, and share His Gospel of love.

Our Vision

Christ calls us to a future of greater loving, lifting, listening, learning, and leading.



St. Francis of Assisi Church is easily accessible off of
I-675, exit #7. Head south for 3/4 of a mile, you will find us on the right just past Clyo Road.

2021 Easter Outdoor Mass Flyover

Saint of the Day

  • St. Bonaventure
    St. Bonaventure Feast date: Jul 15 Today, July 15, marks the feast day of St. Bonaventure, who is called “The Seraphic Doctor” of the Church. St. Bonaventure is known for his leadership of the Franciscans and his great intellectual contributions to theology and philosophy.St. Bonaventure was born in Bagnorea in Tuscany, Italy. He is widely believed to have b […]

RSS Daily Scripture Readings

RSS Catholic News

  • Sicilian city celebrates 400th year of feast of St. Rosalia July 15, 2024
    Capella di Santa Rosa, St. Rosalia's Chapel inside of the Palermo Cathedral, Basilica Cattedrale Metropolitana Primaziale della Santa Vergine Maria Assunta in Sicily, Itay. May 5, 2022. / Credit: Frank Bienewald/LightRocket via Getty Images Palermo, Italy, Jul 15, 2024 / 04:00 am (CNA). The city of Palermo on the Italian island of Sicily is celebrating […]